
Operator of this internet platform:

Mrs Margit Wochinz

Seevilla Wochinz

Strandweg10, 9583 Faak am See, Austria

Phone: +43 676 423711

Fax: +43 4254 2108


Photo archive and videos:

Copyright : ©-Franz-GERDL/Faaker See/-2012-all-rights-reserved.jpg/Carinthia Advertising Media archives: Region Villach Tourismus GmbH

further picture material

Photo archive Margit Wochinz

copyright law:

Layout and design of the offer as a whole as well as its individual elements, such as logos, photos, etc.; are protected by copyright. The same applies to the editorial contributions in detail as well as their selection and compilation; no changes may be made to them. Public use of the offer may only be made with the consent of Seevilla Wochinz.


The contents published in have been researched with great care, the technical services have been programmed in the best possible way. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee for the complete correctness. All information is provided without guarantee. A liability for damages resulting from the use of the contents or services published in is excluded.

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